Advanced Studies Program in Homeopathy Prague (ASPHP)

International online training program for advanced homeopaths

The goal of this program is to train competent homeopaths, who have already acquired the knowledge and skills for the practice of homeopathy. We believe that becoming a skilled practitioner requires life-long learning and awareness of the current state of professional know-how in international context.  We aim at mediating expert level of knowledge, taught by leading homeopaths with international repute.

The training program consists of seminars conducted by international teachers from countries such as Great Britain, USA, Canada, India and Australia. The trainees of ASPHP will meet their teachers, the most of whom are also authors of professional publications, four times a year, from this three times per year in two-day weekend seminars and once in a summer school.

The lectures are held live via the video conferencing application Zoom.

After completing the ASPHP program, the participant will receive a Certificate of Completion, a proof of high level of knowledge in homeopathy.

The condition for participation in this advanced training program is the proof of completion of basic professional education in homeopathy, received either at our Academy of Homeopathy in Prague or at other education institutions, also abroad.

Lectures included in the ASPHP program:

A condition for the completion of the training is the participation in 200 teaching hours. The training program can therefore be completed in 2 years, in this period it is possible to arrive at the required number of hours. The training program must be completed within 5 years after the enrolment into the program.

To apply for the participation in the ASPHP program, please send us your application per e-mail to the address Mention please also your previous homeopathic training.


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Studium na akademii se mi líbilo a hodně mi dalo. Přístup vyučujících byl profesionální, učební program zajímavý i zábavný. Díky studiu jsem se seznámila se spoustou zajímavých lidí, poznala jsem nový rozměr duchovní reality a našla cestu k pochopení sebe sama a získala mnohé užitečné vědomosti, které dnes zúročuji.

Děkuji všem skvělým vyučujícím!

Katy Amal Ilgnerová

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